Feelingpeaky work with high standards of coding and follow the most up to date web development trends.
Over 2015, web browsing trends show that IE browser versions lower the IE 11 have been phasing out month by month with December 2015 showing a less than 2% usage rate and with only IE 11 falling into the top 10 browser versions being used. Putting this alongside Microsoft’s announcement that from January 12th 2016 it will officially stop supporting older versions of IE meaning that older versions are not going to be secure to use starting after this point.
Based on these security risks, coding standards and current trends, we have decided that from January 2016 we will no longer support Internet Explorer versions below IE 11. Our testing and quality assurance will reflect this and therefore tests on Internet Exploreer we will only be on IE11 and above.
We are always open to your comments and suggestions, so please do not hesitate to let us know if you have any.
Web browsing trends – www.w3counter.com
Microsoft announced – www.microsoft.com